Once upon a time there lived a King who ruled a land known as the Great Realm. The Great Realm was the grandest, most beautiful kingdom imaginable. Full of thick, green forests, cascading waterfalls, winding rivers, and majestic mountains, the Great Realm was truly a wonderful place.
But this Realm wasn’t perfect just because of its natural beauty. It was perfect because of the king who ruled it. Wise and powerful, the King possessed vast wealth as well as the greatest army ever assembled and a glorious castle. Most importantly, the King in this Realm possessed a joy that was unmatched by any other. One might say that he was the happiest, most joyful person that ever lived.
Now this King had many loyal subjects, residents of the Great Realm who would gladly do anything he asked at any time. He loved each and every one of those subjects, and he put them first in all of his decisions as king. He loved them so much that he longed to share with each one of them the very happiness that he knew. All they had to do was to visit him in his castle and drink of the magic chalice that he kept by his side.
The potion inside the chalice came from the Chara leaf, and it was said that a single sip of this potion could bring a person joy and happiness unparalleled. It did not last forever, however. To continue to know this joy, one must return and drink regularly from the King’s magic cup.
As for gaining an audience with the King, that was easy. The King welcomed all the residents of the Great Realm into his palace, day or night. Furthermore, the King loved sharing his magic elixir with all who came to visit him. Some came and ate a meal with him. Others came seeking advice on certain matters. And still others just came to hear him speak their names. Plenty came to just to drink their fill of the enchanted potion.
For each of these residents, these visits were the highlight of their existence, for they loved being in the King’s presence. Moreso, they loved their king.
For many years, the residents of the Great Realm came and went from the King’s magnificent castle. They reveled in his joyful presence, and they drank freely of the sweetest elixir imaginable. But the King moved outside of the palace as well.
As it was, he spent many days among his loyal subjects out in the streets of the city, in the fields surrounding it, and in the many villages across his kingdom. He stopped in to dine in the homes of his fellow residents. He worked by their side when needed. He spent time with the sick and the elderly. All this he did to ensure that they knew him and believed him, and in this magic. He did it to make sure that they knew and experienced the happiness, the lasting joy, that he offered.
Then, one day, he decided it was time to share that happiness with others, with those beyond the Great Realm.